Your task is to discover how the world is changing and adapting to itself. Numerous innovative approaches to work exist. fresh concepts to impart. fresh sights to behold.
With our interactive solutions, AV Consultancy can assist you in reaching new heights whether you are interacting in a conference room, retail, corridor, or classroom. Collaborate on ideas in groups, easily annotate and edit, share designs and content.
We work with a range of interactive flat panels in different dimensions. Our specialists have a one-on-one meeting with you to evaluate each particular scenario and develop a plan. Your staff will pick up the skills necessary to create dynamic content that is interesting, current, and fresh very fast with our training.
The market is exploding with interactive products. Users expect the same experience on desktop computers and public venue screens as they are accustomed to using mobile devices and tablets. According to research on natural human interfaces, touch is everywhere. We are ready to make any installation successful with cutting-edge interactive display solutions, award-winning products, service, and support.
AV Consultancy Solutions specializes in selling interactive flat panel displays of different sizes from various brands for use in businesses and educational settings. Prominent brands of IFPs include BenQ, Sharp, MAXHUB, NewLine, ViewSonic, Samsung, LG, and so on. IFPs come in the following sizes: 55, 65, 75, and 86 inches.